
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Alps...on the border between Germany and Italy

...and somewhere in Austria....

Logging chopper clearing underbrush. Oh what a nice reprieve from all of the beetlekill in my beloved Colorado :( 

The sound of cowbells clanging in the valley was almost too precious to bear :')

Alpine water

Deuteronomy 8:2--For the Lord your God brings you into a good land

a land of  (brooks) of water

of fountains and depths that spring out of

the valley and hills... 

Deuteronomy 33:15-And the chief things of the ancient mountains

and for the precious things of the lasting hills 

My beautiful children

They are such champion travelers. So so SO proud of their stamina by driving hour upon hour in a compact car. Love them immensely for their kindness and patience and forgiving hearts to one another, when their patience has worn thin. 

Welcome to Italy :)  
A stunning way to end our time in Germany. After so much gluttony in a material sense it was calming to get out into the beautiful world and appreciate what God had created to reflect His glory. What a wonderful journey into a peaceful idyllic pasture. We appreciated the rest.

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