
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Big Brother Knows about Your Lego Problem

It was a fabulous day when Doe's high school announced a new program for all incoming freshman. The school district had done an exhaustive study on the impact owning a laptop computer did for students' grades. The evidence was clear, and well worth the investment for the district to purchase Dell laptops for all incoming freshman.

So last year, Doe received her very own Dell laptop. And all was good with the world.

Fastforward to July of this year when we were purchasing two more laptops of our own. Doe took one look at the pretty new Acer model and her eyes glittered.

"Pretty," she said.
 "I want this one", she said.

So the transfer was made. Doe received pretty new Acer computer with the custom coppery skin on it, and Tank received the now not-so-pretty Dell computer that our school district had donated.

The district's laptop computer is blocked from all social media networking sites. So no Facebook or Tumblr or whathaveyou. Which is smart.

The district also keeps a permanent record of sites visited on the student computer. Which is also smart.

Although it can be a bit embarassing as well.

The district laptop registered to Doe now has an EXTENSIVE history of Lego Websites on it.

Doe's secret is out. ;)

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