
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Deutsches Jagd- Und Fischereirmuseum Munchen (10/23)

After a morning  of wandering around Munich and the Marienplatz by myself I returned back to our hotel and asked the children what they would want to do. (They thoroughly enjoyed the plush accommodations of our hotel and it was difficult to get them outside of their room to see the city.)
 Seeing as Doe had all of her money left from her birthday and it was burning fast in her pockets, she wanted to go back the city square and go shopping. Seeing as there are H&M clothing shoppes EVERYwhere in Europe, and she had seen almost every one in each city we had visited, I was sort of 'done' with the store. But I forget the stamina of a teenage girl and her money. And it is a force of nature that is stronger than oak. So Tank and I decided we'd leave the girls to their shopping (Bumpo is truly the most patient and abiding child you will ever meet, and she adores her sister so I knew she would be fine with Doe even sitting in the dressingroom for hours on end ;) ). 
So that left Tank and I are to our own devices. What to do? He'd seen most of the knife shops in the city, and had spent all of his spending money already on a beautiful shop just off the platz. I was at first a bit baffled at how to spend an afternoon in a foreign city with my son.
Imagine our joy when I turned the corner from H&M and voila~in the middle of every woman's fantasy~shopping uninterrupted in some of the best stores in Europe~ was the Munich Hunting and Fishing Museum. Sagenhaft!  It was the perfect way to while away a few hours. No shopping bags, jostling frauleins, cold weather or crowds. Just me, my son and a few silent witnesses to the German love affair between the hunter and his prey. What an exquisite and thoughtful place.

Not even past the Lobby and Tank spies the hunting knives. I love this picture. He looks so young, but....he's not anymore. He's growing into a young man with changing interests and hobbies. I look forward to the day when he and his dad bring home their first pheasant :)

The best bird display I have ever seen. I am framing most of  the other pictures I took . So painstakingly put together  with such attention to detail. There were hundreds upon hundreds of these cases to visit. 



Tank and a deer. The Germans love their deer and I love my Tank. 

Main Hall

beautiful early century embroidered textiles with hunting motifs

What a monster. And  oh---there's a moose. ;) 

main weapons hall

Wicked crossbow. Is there any other kind? 

Lots of wonderful original oil paintings with hunting motif. I like the line of the dead bunny's leg in this portrait. 

Tank and a rifle

Antique authentic Bavarian fine jewelry using green emeralds and rubies. The white tear-dropped shaped items are baby deer teeth. They are used frequently in German jewelry. I don't get it, but...there it is...

Carved ivory powderhorn

Carved horn powderfleische

Rifles of all eras 

Narwhal skeleton. Doesn't Tank look dapper with his umbrella? It was raining and quite cold there. 

Hey I'm a ferret...

Sea Life exhibit 

Powderfleische made out of a large lobster claw 

Collection of antique hunting sledges. These were incredible. I wish I had taken more pictures of them 

Bamboo fishing rods 

Shark teeth saw found in the Caribbean 

I don't know who in their brilliant mind threw a fishing museum in the midst of a world-famous shopper's paradise, but whoever you are I would like to shake your hand. You saved Tank and his mother from absolute misery and we were enthralled. Calling myself a bit of a naturalist, I do enjoy the wild and appreciating the splendor of the feral beast and the hunted. I am looking forward to the day when Beloved can take Tank out on his first pheasant-hunting trip together; Tank is blissfully counting the days until he can go out alone with his Dad and share this time as father and son.

Until then-he gets the museum in Munich :)

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