
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Old news but still an interesting read...

One thing we will take away from our time in Gib: Wanted to make sure it didn't lost in the bowels of Facebook should I ever quit the site (which I threaten to do all the time).... Was reminded of this incident tonight as we witnessed a woman being accosted by a man in the courtyard of an apartment across the street. There was lots of yelling and shouting, and a large group of men came running to the woman's aid as the man ran off. As I commented on it, Tank said in his total blase' way "Well this is Spain. What do you expect?" Love his complete lackadaisical reaction. Sounds like he's grown accustomed to living life in an urban setting ;). Here's the story from back in September...

One view of das boot....note the reflective vest one of the police is wearing...looked like something out of Tron ;)

You can see the seats better in this shot...

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