
Monday, October 29, 2012

Munich 10/24 Spielzeugmuseum (Toy Museum)

When I was a little girl of all of about 10 I remember climbing the stairs in my basement and having this distinct thought of designing my own doll. The appeal of creating her own character and storyline and clothes. It was all very real for me at that time. But I never pursued that dream and soon life got in the way. So I celebrated when Doe was old enough and started wanting her own dolls and rewarded her with Barbies and My Scene dolls, American Girl dolls and the like. Tank was all about Thomas the Tank Engine and Bumpo was all about wearing tutus and boots and getting in the middle of what the other two were doing.

So having heard a rumor about German toy manufacturing and seeing for myself the pride of workmanship the Northern Europeans take in their crafts, I was intrigued to learn of a toy museum in Munich. What fun I thought to take the kids and go check it out. So after I got back from my Alter Peter jaunt I returned to the hotel and rousted the children into getting ready to accompany me.

wind-up bugs


the Zoo

Vintage flower press 

Metal Army personnel sets 

All Vintage. All Swastikas were blackened out. 

Wooden sets

Because really what childhood is complete without a full Catholic priest, his censure,  and cup for Holy Communion?

The dolls were to be placed on pianos and would 'jig' to the music  on fine-haired wire legs. 

The bears 

A vast milliner's store for making minituare doll hats. Oh so twee!!! 

Beautiful beginnings of a marionette

This wheel is outside of the museum. It spins and makes a dinging noise  on the hour. Very cute. 
If you ever bring your kids to Munich and are looking for a fun and inspiring way to spend a few hours, take them to the Spielzeugmuseum. It didn't disappoint. 

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