
Friday, November 2, 2012

Galleria Vittorio Emanuel

Beautiful shopping center on the square. We went in there looking for a restroom and it was not unlike MC Escher's famous Relativity....

Upstairs downstairs second floor third floor no second in McDonalds no third in the hallway. Myself and an Indian mother and daughter were trying desperately to find some relief. I think we finally decided to just forget about it and try to soldier on....

Extremely talented trio playing Handel's Four Seasons in the Galleria lobby. While taking this picture Doe's backpack was tugged on and attempted to get broken into. 

So we got the Polizia just kidding they walked by a few minutes later. Tank is always impressed with how assault-ready European peace officers look. Riot gear and semi-automatic weapons. Not too shabby. 

The Galleria was a stunning building.

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