
Monday, August 13, 2012

He even stuck the landing

If vomiting was an Olympic sport, my son would have just won the Gold.
I'm serious. Only parents will appreciate the skill it takes to have an award-winning cookie toss.
He called me to his room, complained of his stomach hurting, clutched his belly asked for a basin and promptly threw up. It all landed in situ, he didn't soil his clothing or his bedding. It was in a word awesome.
As he sitting there holding his basin- and as I was watching him- he said "Better get me something to clean up with".
 Yes...Yes, of course.
Jumped off the bed, rinsed his mouth out, gargled, and then announced he was taking a shower.
Now he is in the basement, no lingering evidence of his sick, playing CoD.
God Bless the USA.

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