
Friday, August 31, 2012

August 31, 2012

cable-car to the great seige tunnels

macaque monkeys

the great siege-literally

30-some-odd miles of caves blasted into the Rock during the 1700s and during WWII. The Torch, which was Gib's greatest hour during WWII used the tunnels extensively to stop an attack from North Africa. General Eisenhower had a bunker in the tunnel. 

WWII ID board 

Kind of cannon-shooting gallery. About 6 or so heavy duty cannons with sites in the rock. There is a large funnel dug into the ceiling to help provide ventilation from the powder-ball fumes and smoke. 

Moorish castle remains 1333

socialized medicine 

I love the Brits 

I would have never dreamed my son would be sitting on the beach without a top on wearing his sis's sunglasses. He sure has relaxed a ton on this trip ;). 

Sun Cola--it's like a frozen juice box 

Hanging out on the beach and not in the water our last day---fuel oil spill. One of the half-dozen boats that is moored offshore waiting to debark their payload dumped their fuel into the ocean. Yellow flag is up and no ocean access for 48 hours. The oil in the water looks like masses of black thread in the waves. Sad. 

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