
Thursday, October 20, 2016

No my name ain't Baby

The brouhaha after the utterances of one Donald J. Trump directed at Hillary Rodham Clinton at the close of the final Presidential debate is not unexpected. For those who missed it he said to Clinton "What a nasty woman".

The article written by one pissed-off woman is entitled "Women are reclaiming their nastiness after Trump comment".
The truth will you set you free but first it will piss you off

Shoot I thought that was the high point of the entire debate. Granted, he shouldn't have lowered himself to the name-calling, but honestly a lot of realistic, honest, integrity-driven, and moral women agree with his nomenclature.

If lying to the American public, standing in front of four flag-covered caskets in an airport holding bay and lying to victim's families, taking hundreds of millions of dollars in campaign contributions from countries who not only disrespect women, but kill them at will (see Qatar, Saudi Arabia) is not nasty than I don't know what is. Oh I know what else is nasty. Calling the 14 or so women who charged her husband with rape "bimbos" is pretty nasty.

Way to stay above the fray, Hillary.

Maybe Trump's mistake was using the word nasty. Maybe evil. Devious. Deceitful. Dishonest. Deplorable (I stole that one from the Clinton campaign).

The theme of this Slate article is how women are 'reclaiming' their nastiness after Trump's insult. Well first of all, I'd like to know who took the mantle of nastiness from me in the first place. Shoot who do I register a complaint with? I am woman hear my roar. My nastiness was never taken from me. Again, male-dominated newsmedia declaring that men took women's moral compasses, and we are kicking and clawing and seizing them back.

If there is some upheaval about him calling a woman nasty, let's revisit the Progressive Liberal Democrat philosophy on the gender politic over the last year.

The introduction of the non-specific gender pronouns "hir" and "ze" at college campuses.  You can read the protocol here.

The appeal of  transgender equality. Males and females identifying as whatever gender they choose.
men in women's locker rooms

While I am at no place to judge the sexual identity of any one individual, the reality is the protocol for gender self-identification was spear-headed by the Progressive Left. They are the ones who invite and welcome gender-confused individuals, welcoming them with open arms and hearts, identifying them primarily as human and then secondary by gender (if that's been chosen at the time).

The Left cannot in good conscience fall back on Clinton's female gender as a defense. You're not identified by male or female in the Democrat party. You cannot pull the "gender card" as a defensive tactic against someone who identified you as the gender you profess to be. To even bring that up as being demeaning or derogatory to gender is in fact desultory. You can't be offended if he calls you a woman.

You can be offended if he calls you nasty, but no one needs to look far into her political dealings or her Clinton Foundation Charity donations to charity  (some watchdog groups claim only 3-5% of their donations go to charitable organizations outside of the Clinton Foundation fund) to find the nasty. Even more than nasty but also deceitful is the reality that the Clinton Foundation refused to disclose over 1,100 donors to their charity. You can find that nastyness here

No he probably shouldn't have called her names, but I think the bigger issue for me as a woman is why again are Progressive Liberals upset that he called her a woman, and why are women suddenly up in arms about his derogatory insults about a woman?

Is there no longer equality in America? Had he been debating Obama, and called him 'nasty', there wouldn't have been a second thought. Twitter wouldn't be trending with males 'reclaiming their nastyness'.

That would be sexist.

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