
Monday, October 24, 2016

Expect the best

Bought Tank an LED flashing light bracelet that he can wear at night so he's more visible to cars. It's activated by motion and so it flashes when you wave your arm.
This evening as he was heading out for a short trip to his favorite skating spot I stopped him.
Tank where is your bracelet?
WHAT BRACELET? He roared, knowing full well of what bracelet I was speaking of.
The light-up one! I reminded him. I think it's  in your room.
"What are you KIDDING? Mom what are we, LIBERALS?"
As I was choking back the laughter I said No...not Liberals. But you're not going skating without it on.
"MOM! Get real. I hope you know as soon as I leave I'm putting it in my pocket."
That's fine I just want to see how it works.
"Mom it's motion-activated! It's not going to work unless I wave my arms like this (waving arms emphatically on cue)"
Laughing I said, just put it on.
Because he's my son and therefore the sweetest soul on the aplanet,  he acquiesces and wears the bracelet.
As he recedes into the black night I see two parallel green lights flashing rapidly on his right wrist.
"Way to go Tank! It looks really cool! Woo hoo you're such a great kid!"
Amazingly when he returned he still wore the LED bracelet. Maybe he took it off in the street around the corner.
But my job is to believe and trust that he kept that bracelet on the whole trip. Because I want to expect the best from kids.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

No my name ain't Baby

The brouhaha after the utterances of one Donald J. Trump directed at Hillary Rodham Clinton at the close of the final Presidential debate is not unexpected. For those who missed it he said to Clinton "What a nasty woman".

The article written by one pissed-off woman is entitled "Women are reclaiming their nastiness after Trump comment".
The truth will you set you free but first it will piss you off

Shoot I thought that was the high point of the entire debate. Granted, he shouldn't have lowered himself to the name-calling, but honestly a lot of realistic, honest, integrity-driven, and moral women agree with his nomenclature.

If lying to the American public, standing in front of four flag-covered caskets in an airport holding bay and lying to victim's families, taking hundreds of millions of dollars in campaign contributions from countries who not only disrespect women, but kill them at will (see Qatar, Saudi Arabia) is not nasty than I don't know what is. Oh I know what else is nasty. Calling the 14 or so women who charged her husband with rape "bimbos" is pretty nasty.

Way to stay above the fray, Hillary.

Maybe Trump's mistake was using the word nasty. Maybe evil. Devious. Deceitful. Dishonest. Deplorable (I stole that one from the Clinton campaign).

The theme of this Slate article is how women are 'reclaiming' their nastiness after Trump's insult. Well first of all, I'd like to know who took the mantle of nastiness from me in the first place. Shoot who do I register a complaint with? I am woman hear my roar. My nastiness was never taken from me. Again, male-dominated newsmedia declaring that men took women's moral compasses, and we are kicking and clawing and seizing them back.

If there is some upheaval about him calling a woman nasty, let's revisit the Progressive Liberal Democrat philosophy on the gender politic over the last year.

The introduction of the non-specific gender pronouns "hir" and "ze" at college campuses.  You can read the protocol here.

The appeal of  transgender equality. Males and females identifying as whatever gender they choose.
men in women's locker rooms

While I am at no place to judge the sexual identity of any one individual, the reality is the protocol for gender self-identification was spear-headed by the Progressive Left. They are the ones who invite and welcome gender-confused individuals, welcoming them with open arms and hearts, identifying them primarily as human and then secondary by gender (if that's been chosen at the time).

The Left cannot in good conscience fall back on Clinton's female gender as a defense. You're not identified by male or female in the Democrat party. You cannot pull the "gender card" as a defensive tactic against someone who identified you as the gender you profess to be. To even bring that up as being demeaning or derogatory to gender is in fact desultory. You can't be offended if he calls you a woman.

You can be offended if he calls you nasty, but no one needs to look far into her political dealings or her Clinton Foundation Charity donations to charity  (some watchdog groups claim only 3-5% of their donations go to charitable organizations outside of the Clinton Foundation fund) to find the nasty. Even more than nasty but also deceitful is the reality that the Clinton Foundation refused to disclose over 1,100 donors to their charity. You can find that nastyness here

No he probably shouldn't have called her names, but I think the bigger issue for me as a woman is why again are Progressive Liberals upset that he called her a woman, and why are women suddenly up in arms about his derogatory insults about a woman?

Is there no longer equality in America? Had he been debating Obama, and called him 'nasty', there wouldn't have been a second thought. Twitter wouldn't be trending with males 'reclaiming their nastyness'.

That would be sexist.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Mine is Fine.

I know the Progressive Liberal Democrats are waiting with bated breath to hear the news. From the depths of the Basket of Deplorables, I want to affirm that

mine is fine.

I'm always utterly fascinated with the Progressive Liberal Democrat obsession with female genitalia. Be it the constant full front nudity on the movie screen, the obsessive use of the word C U Next Tuesday, the images of women being debased demoralized and dehumanized on laptop screens in Middle America everywhere. We are a nation of lap dogs. Srsly.

If the saying is true, people in glass houses should not throw stones, I know personally of a large number of Liberal Progressive women whose husband's laptop screens would be shattered. Your hypocrisy of feigning insult at words, when your partner is downstairs watching-in live action-what Trump had joked about saying, would be comical if it is not at its core terribly, terribly sad. Your insecurity is showing! My heart breaks for you and how your definition of your self-worth is based on what society is telling you it is!

These same women who act upset at the words of Trump stand and defend the women who act in porn movies. They refuse to read the history of the porn industry, that it is inextricably tied to human trafficking, and idealize that whatever is done in the privacy of your own home between consenting adults is not fair game. They rejoice n the fact that their male partners are able to satisfy the 'male urges' (also sexist) and that they, their worn-out female counterparts, don't have to submit their own 'piece of value' to their man. Because really, we've been taught that this 'piece' is all we are worth.

In that regard, the conversation between two adult males is as much not fair game. The giggling encouragement of the reporter, Billy Bush, was a flyspeck on the conscience of those who sat in judgment.
Yet the difference is one party apologized and accepted responsibility. The other still claims that watching what a man does to a woman onscreen in porn is perfectly acceptable. The hostility comes from Trump saying out loud what so many men in modern-day society talk like. Locker room? Maybe not. But don't do yourself a favor and Google "pussy revolt". Beyond the fleshy-colored obscured images of Godknowswhat, there are hundreds of pictures of men and women, of all shapes and ethniticities, using the "P word' as so much advertisement.
So much hypocrisy.

Your concern for mine is unwarranted. No, I don't think what Trump was okay. But let's be abundantly clear, nor is the majority of any representation of women in modern day society acceptable.

Leo DiCaprio sniffing a line off Margot Robbie's backside.

But let's not side-tracked in minutae, shall we?
I say only those two because those are the two of the litany of Hollywood who come readily to mind.

De Niro said "I want to punch Trump in the face"
for the offensive words he said against women.
Well Mr. DeNiro I think you might
need to take your thumb
out of Juliette Lewis's mouth
before you start hitting people
who say mean things against women.
(I mean...seriously?!)

What is this Liberal obsession with the vagina? You don't care about women who are educated or opinionated or honest. Oh wait yes you DO because those are always the Lesbians in your film! Again, THEIR vagina is of no use to you, so you can make them the bookish intelligent ones. Who are also unrelentlessly psycho.

You don't want women to think with their brains about certain issues. You want them to dumb themselves down to a small area of the female anatomy and then fill their heads with concerns about the government controlling your vagina and the government not respecting the vagina.

In 2012, this ideology was so rampant during the election season that women were crowing on Election Day how they "voted with their vaginas". What? How does one DO that? It sounds sort of...messy.

I am all about empowering women and I appreciate the feigned Liberal Progressive concern for my gender. You want me to have as many sexual partners as I want. You want me to have free birth control to maintain that level of sexual brevity ad nauseum. You want me to have access to abortions that remove all intelligent cognition about life, conception, DNA. You want me to focus on my vagina. Because that is where my real value as a person lies.

Wrong. My real value as a woman lies in the fact that I have an intelligent, inquisitive, curious and driven mind. That I want to learn about everything-Libya, Aleppo, the Ukraine-not just below-navel-gazing that the Left deems that area paramount of all concern.

Thank you, Liberal Progressive women, for being offended at Donald J. Trump. Thank you. But no thanks to the "P*ssy Revolt Nov 8" memes that are flooding the Interwebs meant to empower all intelligent women. I have seen the "P" word more times than I count from Liberal Progressive women who titter and giggle at their 'ownership' of the word. Could you have chosen something else? Could you have called it the Vagina Revolt? No? Oh, that's right, because you want to use the same insulting derogatory term for vagina that your accused uses.

Donald Trump said it once. You're repeating it daily in your protests. Get over it. Your 'ownership' and entitlement of the coarse word doesn't make any more powerful or liberated. It just makes you look uncreative, unimaginative, desperate and well, sad. You are really the definition of desperation. You're so much more than the cat.
I am here to tell you.
You are so much more than the cat.

Had he insulted your intelligence you wouldn't have been so vocal (because let's face it-he has. Just like every other sitting President.)
 Had he insulted your capacity to mother you wouldn't have been so vitriolic(because let's face it-you're taught all the time how you're not ready to be a mother. The abortion industry thrives on that religion.)
But because he talked about what you deem defines YOU as a HUMAN-your vagina-you're apoplectic.

I'm not concerned about men sexually assaulting me. Particularly Donald J Trump or for that matter William J Clinton. I'm just not. I'm also not concerned that the words or actions of two old rich men are going to hold any weight on how I live my life.

What DOES concern me, both as a woman, and a mother, is that the society who looks askance at Trump but glorifies the objectification of women. Who scolds Trump but blanks out their tween daughter singing along to how "whips and chains excite" her. Who defends books like Fifty Shades of Gray (I read the first novel, btw, in full disclosure. If you can call it a novel. I never read the second one because there were two things that kept coming back to me: one, the main character spoke as if she was a 12-year old girl (ew). The writing for an adult female was appalling. The second thing was this was such an overexaggeration of how tolerant the female anatomy can be to abuse. Having rapid-fire sex five days out of seven doesn't take into consideration the strong possibility of a whopping case of cystitis. I'm just too well-read in human anatomy and physiology to get past the fact that the main female character would be doubled over with a raging kidney infection for the second half of the book. )

Yep. I went there. I talked about the female sexual health. I am a sexually active heterosexual female. I can "go there". Because I am woman.

Want to know who "can't" go there? Men.
Unless of course you are a male Doctor of Medicine in the fields of Obstetrics, Gynecology, Nephrology...

The greatest insult of all though was the beaming face of our fearless Leader, Barack Hussein Obama (you remember him-of the Cambridge 'ribs and p*ssy fame) who is pictured sitting with his two beautiful daughters Sasha and Malia. Papa Barry is going to tell you what a real feminist looks like.

No. You're not. I'm not going to take a lesson in gender equality from a male. I'm just not. I'm not going to break out the notebook and take copious notes on female empowerment and feminism from a person swinging d*ck. Excuse me. Such irony that we are continuing the pattern of patriarchy and male power and male dominance by giving Obama air time to teach us all on what being a woman is. How could we ever as women know what it means to be a feminist without a man telling us what that looks like? We need a man to tell us what that means? Hardly. That my friends is the most powerful tool (pardon the pun) that men in this society have hold over us. They are given the ownership of definition. They produce the films, teach the classes, hold the seminars, give grants to the abortion clinics, all of them empower themselves to keep women under their thumb. We look to the manchild to give us knowledge.

But just like Eve did way back in the day, we seek wisdom. But our male-dominated society gives us only knowledge.

You know you want it.
It makes things complicated for men when women are wise. We can be all-knowing, but to be wise is a weapon that men cannot defeat.

Men have always defined what our role is. Sadly, in increasing manner, our role is to be the "p*ssy"...the "box" that the "d*ck" can go in for Christmas. Now we seek the male paterfamilias to teach us about ourselves?

Feminist to me means this: No one having to die for your mistakes. Owning up to your capacity to think, to feel and to breed at times which are the best times for your life. Thinking not JUST with your vagina, but with your brain and your heart and your soul.
Choosing a mate not just on his sexual prowess (thanks, porn) but on his capacity to view you as an equal partner and a lifemate. It means being respected by other women for the choices you make on how you want to raise your family. If you want to work outside the home. If you want to stay in the home and work. All of the different angles of this feminist cube we call woman.

So come November, I'm not going to host a P*ssy Revolt. I'm not going to vote with my vagina. I'm going to think long and hard about what the best thing for our country is and I'm going to vote accordingly.

Not based on what any man told me to do. That, my friends, is why words about my female genitalia do not cause me a second thought. Men who use that language and women who support men viewing other women's have nary a second thought in my daily living. They are just reflections of a society (11 years old now) that is broken and continues to be broken. The society that teaches my daughters that they aren't thin enough or that they needed padded black bras in seventh grade, and thong underwear to avoid panty lines in middle school. The society that teaches our boys that words like "Bitch" and "Cunt" and "Pussy" are all appropriate names to call the girls we are in love with.

So Yes in case you were wondering, Hillary and Michelle, and Lena and Amy and Sarah and all of you other true 'feminists' who are acting as champions of the modern societal ethos---mine is fine.

And I am wise enough to know how to keep it that way.