
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Just read everything you can

It is with great joy I announce that my youngest has finally gotten the reading bug.

We think it may have been delayed to a gruesome sociological experiment we call Third Grade in our household. (Shaking my head, No, No, make it stop).

Many a night we have peeked into her bright orange bedroom and her wheat-blonde hair is peeking above a book in a halo of filament light from a lilypad sconce we installed next to her bed.

She just finished Carl Hiassen's 'Scat'

and LOVED it. I'm so pleased.

I am a voracious reader.

 Beloved...not so much although he really enjoyed

and is currently obsessed with

Me? My reading has deteriorated rapidly. Gone are the voluminous books of yore heavy of substance and world policy significance. No, my reading has degenerated into heady tomes such as 

But's the September issue. I must keep abreast (ahem) of the current fashion trends for September of 2013...oh wait that is September of last year....oh well....anyway....

I'm reading this thinking....dear God my brain has completely turned into mush. But then I skim the following statistic in an article in the September 2013 issue of Elle magazine...

"Obama has deported nearly 2 million illegal immigrants".

I had no idea Obama was such a nationalist. 

So my advice to you? Read read and read the local newspaper, even if it is a Commie liberal rag. Read the differing perspectives, pick out the nuances, grab the statistics that really tell the true story.  Even if it is 'only' Elle September 2013.

"True genius resides in the capacity for the evaluation of uncertain, hazardous and conflicting information."- Winston Churchill. 

Don't ever stop. 

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