
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Honey for my Soul

You have given up your old way of life with its old habits.
Christ Jesus took you from being dead to being alive. 
Worship is present in all of our lives.
Paul says to offer your life as a spiritual sacrifice.
Scripture is full of worship.
When Mary is told she will carry the Christ child she breaks out in song.
Ephesians---sing songs of spiritual heart.
Revelation---John sees a vision of Jesus singing praises to the King of Kings.
We are not reminding God of His worth
but reminding ourselves.
We sing hymns because the early church was teaching theology to those who could not read.
So let's not sing 'Jesus is my boyfriend' songs...worships should lead us towards Christ.

2 Chronicles 20:20-23
A vast army is coming against the army of Judah.
How often when we know something is coming we run to our own solutions. 
We shoud yet be: "We do not know...but our eyes are upon You.
Do not be afraid.
Do not be discouraged.
God fights our battles.

We do not fight against flesh or blood but against the enemy of darkness.
Worship is warfare.
Light dispels darkness.
Do not yell at the dark simply turn up the light. 

Two-thirds of the Psalms are not praises. They are laments.
Job 1:20...when he was at the end of his trials, Job fell to the ground and worshipped. 

You cannot work through everything.

But you can worship through everything. 

We come before God in prayer not to be nice...but to be honest.

All I know is

God is a big God.

The breadth of our worship should be more than victory.

There is permission in worship to bring it all. 

Worship is laments and brings comfort.

Tents of the wicked/Presence of our enemies are to us only

circumstances that overwhelm. 

Psalms 18:3-6 sing to God and find myself safe and saved.

My cry brings the right into His presence and a private audience.

Mill City Church Sermon 1/25/14

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