It's not about my homeland
or the Hanford Nuclear plant
or the K-Basins or the single-walled storage tanks that all of that awesome nuclear waste is being stored in.
While all the above are obviously of grave concerns to those who lived in the inland Northwest, there is a different reason behind this blog entry.
So please refrain for all of your 'No Nukes' rhetoric. Been there. Done that.
I posted this is because I think I have seen a genetic mutation present in all mid-40-aged males born in the Pacific NW.
All males who grew up in my hometown have an undeniable attachment to the band Rush.
Maybe it's because they're Canadian--- only a hop skip and a jump across the Northern Border.
I mean, look at how they poisoned Bob and Doug McKenzie.
Maybe it's because of the fact that actually,
regardless of their lack of physical attractiveness, the Canadian progrock trio is
- ridiculously talented,
- has an impressive catalog of classic songs
- gives hope to a generation of short, ugly boys. The belief system that hey, too, could capture the fancy of a generation of hot chicks.
(I mean seriously, look at Uncle Kracker. It. Works. )
But yeah. If you're a dude and you grew up in the 509 you were
likethis with the boys from Toronto...
This attraction- nay obsession- about the trio is made apparent in the most arbitrary of instances.
I have a number of male high school classmates on my Facebook friends List, and they truly never disappoint in the arena of Rush Fanboy.
I am reminded of the plethora of pictures of all types of Pacific NW hirsute males-many of whom I grew up with- as they descended on Key Arena last year to witness the band in its aged and manliest perfection.
And am reminded again when they choose Rush as the perfect counterpoint to a serious discussion.
Whether it be about socialized medicine and the Canadian health-care model (helllOoooo guess who's Canadian? That's right. Rush.) or the currently ablating K-Basins in our hometown of Richland, WA (helllOooo see below....). There is serious hero worship at play here.
The incapacity for any man from the Pacific NW to not mention progrock demigogues as the Geddy, The Neil and The Alex-- in even the most convoluted manner-- is always apparent.
Witness below the Facebook interchange between me and Fanboy Scott... :)
But yeah. If you're a dude and you grew up in the 509 you were
likethis with the boys from Toronto...
This attraction- nay obsession- about the trio is made apparent in the most arbitrary of instances.
I have a number of male high school classmates on my Facebook friends List, and they truly never disappoint in the arena of Rush Fanboy.
I am reminded of the plethora of pictures of all types of Pacific NW hirsute males-many of whom I grew up with- as they descended on Key Arena last year to witness the band in its aged and manliest perfection.
And am reminded again when they choose Rush as the perfect counterpoint to a serious discussion.
Whether it be about socialized medicine and the Canadian health-care model (helllOoooo guess who's Canadian? That's right. Rush.) or the currently ablating K-Basins in our hometown of Richland, WA (helllOooo see below....). There is serious hero worship at play here.
The incapacity for any man from the Pacific NW to not mention progrock demigogues as the Geddy, The Neil and The Alex-- in even the most convoluted manner-- is always apparent.
Witness below the Facebook interchange between me and Fanboy Scott... :)
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