
Friday, April 15, 2016

Day of Silence

Today is a nation-wide celebration of LGBTQ teenagers in our national public high school system. Since Tank is none of those things, we decided we would just keep this good old boy at home.

But yet this choice opens us up for speculation.

The primary reason I chose to keep him home today though is because he announced recently that he self-identifies as an attack helicopter.

I'm not biased against any of these helicopters, be them of American-descent or otherwise but am praying he identifies himself as Apache.
Because they are just so damn cool.

So until my son gets the support he needs from the LGBTQ community,
or otherwise receives a diagnosis from a psychiatrist convincing me
he is not a delusional young man, we're gonna continue to stay home on these National Days of Silence. He will just have to suffer alone.

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