
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

More than just a piece of paper...

Thinking out loud here:

The ones who protest and the ones who support this ruling both have something in common:

Both have been married three times.

So regardless of your political affiliation or your religious views about marriage,

what we all have in common is Divorce.
Each of us have been personally impacted by Divorce.

So if you want to have equal rights to cheat on your spouse, gain and give a venereal disease, shatter your childrens' lives, disrupt your bank account and marry again and again and again, as an American, you should have that right.

Because that is what marriage is in the United States.

It's divorce.

Homosexuals want to have the same rights as heterosexuals.

So of course they should expect to have the same rights to divorce.

Good Luck with that.

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